Ben Brown presenting from Wembley Way
John Watson inside Wembley
Phil Mackie from a pub in Birmingham
Luxmy Gopal from a school
Lucy Williamson from Copenhagen
BBC News at Six:
Natalie Pirks & Dan Roan pitchside
Lucy Williamson in Copenhagen
Siân Lloyd speaking to fans
Added by RHJR:
BBC News at 10:
Olly Foster reporting from Wembley Way
Dan Roan on match latest
Sian Lloyd with fans
ITV Lunchtime News
Nina Hossain presenting from Wembley Way with Danny Welbeck joining from Brighton
Sangita Lal reporting on fans
Richard Pallot reporting from a flag-filled street
Geraint Vincent reporting from Copenhagen
ITV Evening News:
Lucrezia Millarini presenting from Wembley with Steve Scott
Richard Palliot with fans
Juliet Bremner from Trafalgar Square
Added by RHJR:
ITV News at Ten (23:25):
Julie Etchingham presnted from Wembley Way
Steve Scott on the match
Gabriel Clarke's interviews used
Richard Pallot with fans