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Jamie Jackson

Jamie Noel Emmanuel Donnelly-Jackson (born 1 November 1986), known as Jamie Jackson, is an English semi-professional footballer who plays as a striker for Grantham Town. More...

Last 5 matches worked on by Jamie Jackson (see all)

12/10/2020Hashtag United v Woodford TownEssex Senior LeagueTwitch: Hashtag UnitedCo-ComentatorEnglish
10/03/2020Hashtag United v WalthamstowEssex Senior LeagueTwitch: SpenFCCo-ComentatorEnglish
11/01/2020Hashtag United v Sawbridgeworth TownEssex Senior LeagueYouTube: Hashtag UnitedCo-ComentatorEnglish
14/09/2019Frenford v Hashtag UnitedEnglish FA VaseYouTube: Hashtag UnitedCo-ComentatorEnglish
04/12/2018Hashtag United v Lopes Tavares LondonEastern Counties Football League: First Division SYouTube: Hashtag UnitedCo-ComentatorEnglish

Top 20 channels worked on by Jamie Jackson

YouTube: Hashtag United5
Twitch: SpenFC1
Twitch: Hashtag United1

Top 20 teams worked on by Jamie Jackson

Hashtag United5
Lopes Tavares London1
Sawbridgeworth Town1
Woodford Town1

Top 20 people worked with by Jamie Jackson

Spencer Owen5
Lewis Preston3
Seb Carmichael-Brown2
Yani Ourabah1
Marcus Stamp1

Jamie Jackson Video Gallery

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West Bromwich Albion v Swindon Town: Unknown Broadcaster

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