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English Football League

ITV English Football League Highlights

17/12/2022 16:00 GMT-5

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Archived Match
This match between ITV English Football League Highlights and ITV English Football League Highlights was in December 2022. Click here for the match on 20th of April 2024.


Channel stats
RoleNameSubmitted byLanguage
PresenterJules BreachRHJR Thank RHJREnglish Twitter
PunditSam ParkinJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter
PunditMatt JarvisJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter

ITV English Football League Highlights

Channel stats
RoleNameSubmitted byLanguage
PresenterJules BreachRHJR Thank RHJREnglish Twitter
PunditSam ParkinJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter
PunditMatt JarvisJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter

ITV X (geo/R)

Channel stats
RoleNameSubmitted byLanguage
PresenterJules BreachRHJR Thank RHJREnglish Twitter
PunditSam ParkinJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter
PunditMatt JarvisJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter

STV (Scotland) / HD

Channel stats
RoleNameSubmitted byLanguage
PresenterJules BreachRHJR Thank RHJREnglish Twitter
PunditSam ParkinJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter
PunditMatt JarvisJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter

STV Player (geo/R)

Channel stats
RoleNameSubmitted byLanguage
PresenterJules BreachRHJR Thank RHJREnglish Twitter
PunditSam ParkinJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter
PunditMatt JarvisJosh01 Thank Josh01English Twitter

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